Master SIAME | Université Toulouse 3

Internet of things and System on Chip

Master SIAME | Université Toulouse 3

Internet of things and System on Chip

User Tools

This is an old revision of the document!

Internet SSH platform access

While you can do the same with either Cygwin or Putty,
as an M2Pro student we strongly encourage you to use a Linux platform (current is Scientific Linux 6.4).

SSH is on a non standard port
ssh -p 2220 <user>

To ease your connectivity from the Internet, type in a shell the following commands:

cat >> ~/.ssh/config << EOF
Host camsi
    User <username>
    Port 2220
    ForwardAgent no
    ForwardX11 yes
    ServerAliveInterval 90
    ServerAliveCountMax 120

Note: of course, replace <username> with your assigned account username.

Local nodes access

To gain access to the local nodes while connecting from the Internet, according to the fact that the node is already UP,
just use your ldap account through SSH to connect to:

Standard SSH port
ssh <user>@archi[1..17]